Q&A: "Queen of Greens" Jennifer Kuria
We brought four women from four cultural groups together to celebrate Collard Greens and cultural diversity. Jennifer Kuria was one of those queens.
What is your country of origin or cultural background?
What dish did you present at the Queens of Greens event?
Sukuma wiki (collard greens), ugali (corn meal) and curry coconut beans
Why did you choose to present this particular dish and what does it represent to your family legacy or cultural background?
I was born and raised on a farm in the central highlands of Kenya and our family grew a variety of nutritious leafy greens, including collard greens—a staple in East Africa known as Sukuma Wiki, meaning “push the week” or “stretch the week’s budget.” Sukuma Wiki served with ugali is not only a staple but everyone’s favorite meal. On the farm we also grew maize and beans. I grew up eating these three items and I still make this dish for my family once a week.
I chose this dish as it brings back great memories of my childhood in Kenya. This meal provides a complete, balanced meal—the greens supply essential vitamins and minerals, the beans provide the protein while the ugali provides carbohydrates and energy. Kenya has many tribes, each with its own culture, but this is one meal that unifies the country. It is served in schools, hospitals and even at construction sites during lunch.
How/ where/ from whom did you learn to cook?
I grew up with aunts and uncles who always cooked our meals and they taught me how to cook. We cooked on open fire and they taught me how to reduce the flame so the food didn’t get burnt, how to measure salt with the palm of my hand and how to make the right consistency of the ugali. We would all sit by the fire in the evenings and watch as they prepared the big meal and listened to their stories of the day.
How does your culture use bitter greens in your cooking and why is that important?
Kenya is a developing tropical country and leafy greens are available all year round. Meat is expensive for most of the population and people use vegetables which are easily available and affordable. We believe bitter greens have medicinal properties as well.
What is your favorite food? (In general– does not have to involve greens!)
Ugali and Sukuma wiki- I can eat it every day.