Do you like the mundane details about other people’s lives?
I do. I loved early blog culture because you could just peek into people’s lives and homes— what their cats liked to eat, their favorite sneaker brand, the cake their grandma showed them how to bake. Unlike Instagram, wasn’t about marketing— just sharing.
I like seeing what’s on your bookshelves— not just the books but the curios and the detritus, too. I like knowing what toothpaste brand you use and why. I’m a documentarian at heart. This stuff fuels me.
Which is why I love this series, Other People’s Kitchens, by Lynn Hill here on Substack. Lynn was kind enough to interview me about my hardy little kitchen (it sees a lot of action). Click here to read about it.
And, if my kitchen doesn’t thrill you, check out local food maven Stephanie Hansen’s kitchen:
Or, Domenica Marchetti’s kitchen, who has two kitchens— one in Italy! (goals, goals, goals):
I hope you are already securely lodged into your soft pants for the next couple of weeks— peeking into other people’s kitchens with a toddy in your hand seems like a good way to kick off this season.
I’ll be officially signing off screens until the New Year, when we will be bringing you a bunch of new and exciting projects, content, and news from BIPOC Foodways Alliance.
Until then, happy cooking, eating, or whatever it is you choose to do in your kitchen.
BIG advocate for cleaning as you go also. I’ve done it since basically forever since I started really cooking as an adult. Idk how people tolerate - let alone have space - foe the mess and all the after work of plowing through a mound of pots and pans and dishes when all you want to do is chill.